Okay, the newest post is definitely helping me better understand how to apply what you are saying here to my life. I've long seen human interactions as interdependent/reciprical. (I've had a few rants over the years about the way allistic folks I know have pushed the idea of 'being independent' which is *literally impossible!!!!*.) Expanding that thought pattern to the wider world will take some time, but I see how i can start that.

There are somethings I can start doing now, I think. I can't get a composting set up going anytime soon (spoons/money). But there's no reason I can't take the things that WOULD go into composting and carry them outside to spread in the woods behind the complex. Give it back to the animals back there.

I met a few people this summer who are growing food and giving away excess. Shouldn't be too hard to connect with them next summer and see if we can organize giving food to folks instead of them just desperately asking whoever they know or meet to take some zuchini or kale.


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We talked a bit once about how your definition of 'indigenous' is different from most and it made total sense to you that Jews could be indigenous to diaspora (or something similar, it's been a while).

I'd love to see a post sometime about how you understand 'indigenous.'

Expect comment on the actual content of this post later, when I have more time & spoons.

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